Our Team

From Our Family

To Yours

We believe financial confidence is determined more by desire and discipline, than by social or economic background. Our mission is to help Americans become financially independent, whatever the circumstances and needs.


Roger Reynolds

Founder, President & Financial Planner

Roger is a Financial Planner. Roger truly loves what he does and over the years, he has taught and coached ways to help with financial independence to several individuals, educators, financial advisors and organizations.

Roger entered the financial industry to follow his passion for helping people improve their financial situations.

Away from the office, Roger enjoys volunteering in his community. Roger served as a scoutmaster for many year and sat on the board of directors for the Pianos for Students Society, a non-profit organization that helps provide pianos for low-income families.

Roger is a proud husband, father and grandfather. He lives in the Denver, Colorado, area with his wife of more than 30 years. They have five children and enjoy spending time together as a family.

Jordan Reynolds

Assistant Director

Brianna King

Director of Client Relations

Julie Reynolds

Client Administrator

Shawna Pye (Reynolds)

Director of Operations

Dima Sawaf

Customer Relations Specialist